Monday, June 3, 2013

Everything ain't for everybody

Some people need to realize that everything ain't for everybody and instead of putting in their two cents about something, they just need to shut the hell up. I realize that a small percentage of people do triathlons and to many people, it is a foreign concept. What I don't understand is why someone would tell me that, "You're 39. You're getting old and your body is slowing down. You need to rest. You are always running, biking or swimming or something. You're doing too much". Now, if this person understood that in the last week, I ran twice, cycled twice and swam once and that is not nearly doing too much, he would not be winning my STFU award today, but he is. 39 is "getting old"?? GTFOOHWTBS. I hate when people open their mouth and say stupid stuff. If you think that you are old, then deal with it, but don't try to project that shyt on me. This dude is 40 years old. FORTY! Maybe it's a military mindset or something. I'm not sure. But, 39 is NOT too old to compete in triathlons. Actually, the largest percentage of Triathletes are 30-39 and that's growing. Folks must realize that they can't push their stupid azz way of thinking on others. It's always some loser that doesn't believe that they can do something that tries to tell you that you can't do it. It's just projecting, I know. But he still wins the STFU award today for being an ignorant idiot. Moving on.... How was your day?

1 comment:

  1. Well I am over 40 and from a military background. I think you are on the ball. I agree that he needs to STFU. Unless you have been where I am going, don't try to tell me how to or what to do.
